New Beginnings.


It will please some of you to know that I almost titled this first post “A Start of Something New” as if I’m gonna sing it on-stage during New Year’s Eve like Troy and Gabriella. But I did not, yet here we are. Welcome! Hello there, I am Nicole. Nice to meet you.

Like some of you, I am a twenty-something Gen Z’er who is figuring things out as I go and finding my flow. Often described as someone cheerful, high-spirited and sometimes talkative which seems true because I never ran out of things to say. I created this little web space to share my thoughts, ideas and experiences. I write like you and for someone like you. Sometimes it is comforting to know that you are not alone and others feel the same way. So in one way or another, I hope that this could bring sense of belongingness to the both of us.

I hope that when you’re comfortable, you can also share your stories and let’s have a conversation. I would love to hear from you.

Also, just want to quickly mention that the blog name “Destroying Inhibitions” have always been my blog name even with my first blog (which Tumblr unfortunately terminated then restored). That phrase stuck with me once and never left. So in memory of my old blog I am keeping its name in this new space.

Cheers to more wonderful stories for the both of us and see you soon!


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